Distant Healing & Insights
For a distant healing I need a new fullbody foto and the healing goals of the client. We will make an appointment to do this and during the 30 minutes treatment I put the photo of the client between the plasma light tubes of the Quantaphi. The scalar waves and specific frequencies have a healing, ordering and balancing effect on the energy field of the photo and thus directly on the client's body where it is during the healing . We call this a quantum or unified healing field.
At the same time I sit in silence and open myself to the messages of the client's soul. I let the soul show me, what stands in the way of healing. I receive these informations through images, sensations, words and physical perceptions and put them together in a written message which I send via email.
"Thank you so much for the treatment. I was definitely aware that things were happening. I felt different areas of my body working to balance, and at about 20 minutes in, I had a rush of energy flow through my whole body. I could see and feel where the injuries were and how things were connected to the foot injury.
That is so amazing!! It made me cry to know what my soul family said. It's so exciting. I knew exactly when the healing started because I heard a frequency come in. I felt so much happening, that waves of chills and probably when you were working on my heart chakra I was feeling that..it was opening and I felt widening ." Carrie
"Katharina offers healing with the Quantaphi and Energy Reading. We contacted and my boy have had already several sessions and I am looking forward to them also. She had instant connection and understanding with me and my son. During every session new ways unfold and I keep wondering how amazing her work is. My son changes and blossoms in front of my eyes, we are overcoming several dificulties and my mothers heart melts in gratitude!" Liva
Costs and Conditions:
Distant Healing & Insights treatment = 60.- €
Distant Healing & Insights subscription for 5 treatments = 280.- €
The treatment is paid for in advance via "paypal for friends": katharinasonneborn@yahoo.de
Clients from the European Union can also pay via my banc account.