Michael Chart Reading
The Michael Chart is a horoscope-like insight into the many aspects of an individual's life, allowing one to better understand oneself and possibly recognize parts of oneself that were previously unknown.
The upper part of the chart initially defines the soul role or basic structure of a person such as servant, priest, sage, artist, warrior, king or scholar. In addition, the chart provides information about the main direction or purpose in our life. This upper part applies to all our incarnations here on earth and also shows how many different planets we have already incarnated on.
The bottom part of the chart relates to our strengths and weaknesses and the individual way we react to life, especially on a mental and physical level. With this we can recognize where we have the biggest challenges in life.
The information about the soul age and the associated attitude towards life in this soul age round off the chart.
Interview with Michael Welk and Shepherd Hoodwin
Costs and Conditions:
Chart explanation is provided by Michael Welk. It lasts about 60 minutes and is recorded digitally. Price EUR 160 / including Michael Chart creation via Shepherd Hoodwin (California/ USA)